Club News

The latest news letter is now available to view.
All the notes & information on past and present committee meetings can be found by visiting the news room using
“Recent News Letters” the button below.   

If you have not had a copy emailed to you please contact our Secretary Brenda and she will see your email address is correctly listed.

The next committee meetings will take place on:

Main committee meeting 12th February 7:30pm
Finance committee meeting 22nd February 7:30pm.
AGM 27th March 7.30pm

Annual General Meeting

The meeting was held on 29th March. There were 33 members present. introduction Vice President Ken Castle

Welcomed members and stated that this had been a difficult year for the club as we recovered from the sanctions imposed by Covid. He outlined how people were returning we now had 800 members and each month we were getting 20 more members . Along with the rest of the hospitality industry times were bleak as the Treasurer would report. It was only because of our good reserves that we had survived. Staffing and catering were now stable. The club was starting to thrive. Things were looking positive.He thanked the Officers for their work. Particularly Lyn Thorpe our entertainment Secretary and Brenda Dent our Secretary.


Minutes of last years meeting were read and approved,

Brenda Dent gave the Secretary and Treasurer’s Reports

We had nearly had a complete change of staffing. She offered thanks to Dave Wilkinson who had acted as licensee to see us through very trying times.

She outlined how the club had attempted to communicate more with members via the newsletters, website and Facebook.

She thanked the committee for their assistance during the year and particularly the Chairman Chris Thorpe for all his endeavours.

As Treasurer she reported on a £23275 loss. Energy costs had risen to £23800 from £6300 in the previous year. The club had spent a lot on maintenance. Our loss would have been higher were it not for a VAT refund initiated by Christine Walter and Roy Daynes plus the interest we earned on our reserves £295 077.

The report was accepted and our Auditors reappointed.


Chris Thorpe gave the Chairman’s Report.

He paid tribute to our new caterers Linda and Laura.

He thanked our new Bar Manager Marion who he said had transformed the atmosphere. He thanked the bar staff and John Glover the groundsman.

He then outlined the building work which had been done and more importantly what still needed to be done. Still awaiting completion. Chimney (subject to planning permission) redecoration, recovering and refurbishing furniture. Lots of electrical work was needed to conform with the safety survey we had plus work on the flat. The committee intend to rent this as a source of income. Considerable expenditure was required to isolate the energy system and make it compliant for renting.

Chris thanked the Officers and Committee and recorded his thanks to the Secretary for her sterling work.


Election Results

President: David Tuck, Vice President: Ken Castle, Chair: Chris Thorpe (Kipper), Vice Chair: Anne Buckley, Entertainment Secretary: Lyn Thorpe. Secretary and Treasurer: Brenda Den6

Committee members are David Wilkinson, Mark Garner, Phil Matten, Andrew Buckley, Jayne Webb, Jerry Rose, (Elected to 2025)

Robin Baldwin, Pat Lynskey and Steve Cobbin. (Existing Committee members. Term of office concludes 2024)

Catering has restarted!

Please see the new menu on the menu page.

As well as the live music coming soon, we have many activities for you to join in and hve fun with including Bowls, Bingo, Open the box, Horse race night, Whist, Crib, Snooker, Darts and more, just check out our activities page or contact the club for more info.

Welcome to our club

Downham Market & Clackclose conservative club, is a private members club situated in the heart of Downham Market.
Our mission is to offer our members a safe and secure enviroment where they can relax, meet friends, make new acquaintances and enjoy stunning surroundings, first class service and excellent facilities.
As well as club membership we also offer a first class venue for private functions or business use, with various room types available.
We are part of a network of nationwide conservative clubs and our membership enables our members to be affiliated members of the other 1100 clubs. Photo: Marion Simpson our new Club Manager.


Our History

The club was founded in 1890 and was initially just a room for cards, dominoes and draughts etc and was originally situated in the high street where Titash Indian resturant is. After various relocations within Downham Market over the years, it’s current location is now on Bridge Street where it has been since 1909.
In 1930 the games room gained the addition of a bar, in 1948 the land behind the property became the bowling green and on 22nd January 1993, the Rt. Hon. Gillian Shephard MP, secretary of state for employment, opened the Paul Hawkins funtion room and the club has gone from strength to strength ever since.


Did you know?

Our Function Rooms

There are two function rooms available for hire. One for 30 people and the other for 100 people. The smaller one is £15 per hour and the larger one is £100 session with concession of £80 for members and can be hired either morning, afternoon or evening.

We will retain the lower rate £60 where hirers are providing a community service
(e.g.Retinal Screening & Low Vision Club etc)

A number of groups meet at the club. If you and a group of friends would like to meet at the club, we have rooms for hire at reduced rates for members.

Contact the club to book or for more information.


Contact the club for more info & ticket prices.
Info on events can be found on the activities page, by looking on the club notice board or by following our facebook page.

Quiz Last Friday of the month.
Bingo every Tuesday night.

Next Committee Meetings:

Main committee meeting 12th February 7:30pm
Finance committee meeting 22nd February 7:30pm.
AGM 27th March 7.30pm


Featured Event

Horse Race Night

Next Event TBC
From 7.30pm, races start at 8pm. Go to the activities page or contact the club for more information.

Keep in Touch

01366 | Eagle House, Bridge St. Downham Market PE38 9DH

Or use this form to contact us about any of our services

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