One of the issues which came out of the Special General Meeting was the Club’s need to communicate more effectively. Your new committee is determined to ensure members are informed. We will be emailing out the monthly newsletter; which will also be on our website along with other current club news.
We have included a couple of items from previous newsletters in this newsletter to ensure members know what is happening.
Annual General Meeting.
The AGM was held on 30th March 2022.
New Officers and Committee Members were elected.
The accounts for the year were presented and accepted along with the Auditor’s report.
Brenda Dent (Secretary and Treasurer) reported on the Club’s progress and financial situation. Over the last year, the audit report showed a loss of £34000. This was mainly down to Covid, lockdown and consequent reduced trading. She predicted that going forward this year would be another very difficult year. She advised the meeting that the areas of concern where increased expenditure was looming. She pointed out that unlike other places the Club had survived. She reported on the catering position and advised members that we would be advertising. The club has 608 members of whom 8 are Life Members.
Roy Daynes, the retiring President, thanked the Officers and Committee members who were retiring. He especially thanked John Watts, David Fendley, and Stuart Rust; some of whom have been club members for over 50 years and on the committee for large parts of that time. Ann Buckley Acting Chairman thanked Roy for his long and valued service.
Officers and Committee Members 2022
Brian Cook ~ President,
Ken Castle ~ Vice President,
Chris Thorpe ~ Chairman,
Anne Buckley ~Vice Chairman.
Committee members elected to serve until 2024
Pat Lynskey,Steve Cobbin, Steve Geary, Harry Ives and David Hall.
Existing Committee members serving until 2023
Robin Baldwin, Owen Dempsey, Lesley Hartley, David Tuck.
The Committee co-opted Lyn Thorpe as Entertainment Secretary.
Brenda Dent ~ Treasurer & Secretary
Price Increases
As reported at the AGM, we have tried to keep prices down but we now face a barrage of increased costs. We will need to raise prices soon.
Fabric of the Building:
We have used our Club in Bridge Street since 1909. The building itself is a lot older than that and is a listed building. The building has lasted well, but things are beginning to deteriorate. We are presently having to undertake some emergency roof repairs and we know there are other things which need doing. We will be replacing flooring in the kitchen and behind the bars. We intend to have a building survey undertaken. We will then draw up a list of repairs and maintenance requirements. This will need to be prioritised and budgeted for. We will need to look carefully at costs and it may be that we need to go to our savings. We will update you after the survey.
Electronic Tills and Swipe Card Entry System:
The advent of chip and pin card machines and contactless payment means we need to look at new systems, one which records the differing VAT rates and varying excise duties. The Committee will be considering purchasing an EPOS system. This is an Electronic Point of Sale. Members have a card to enter the club which works if subscriptions are paid. As items are purchased they feed into the computer where the accounting system sorts out the VAT etc. and links to stock control. Members can if they so wish load the card with money so that it pays their bill. When it is installed, it will mean the end of our fobs. We will keep you updated.
23rd April Johnny Flinton
28th May Travis Graham
3rd June K J and the CATT
17th September Tony G
22nd October Class Act
26th November K J and the CATT
31st December Andy York
Catering Contract
Unfortunately we will still not be serving meals until further notice.
We are advertising for a new catering contract. If you know anyone who would like to apply, please contact our Secretary Brenda Dent.